Help > Module 1: Clinic Administration > Setting Up Schedules In HANDS > Setting Clinic Hours, Schedule Templates, and Clinic Calendars > Procedure 3: Maintain Templates > Maintain Templates: Appointment Time Slot Template > Adding Special Appointment Time Slot Templates for Altering Individual Columns and Services
Adding Special Appointment Time Slot Templates for Altering Individual Columns and Services


Most WIC Clinics will list all available services and columns on a template and save that template for future appointments. There may be occasions, however, that require a change to only one column or service without having to change the entire schedule.


HANDS will allow the user to add a special template just for that service or column change to an existing schedule.


For instance, if a WIC employee who had been providing certification services in the morning hours needs to switch to afternoons, a special template could be created and applied to the current calendar to address that change in hours.


Any template may be used to create a new template. Just choose an existing template, make the required changes and click the "Save As" button to Rename and save your new template! This will save a new Template and not Override the Existing one.