Help > Module 1: Clinic Administration > Setting Up Schedules In HANDS > Setting Clinic Hours, Schedule Templates, and Clinic Calendars > Procedure 2: Clinic Default Settings Set Up
Procedure 2: Clinic Default Settings Set Up


There are three basic settings for every WIC clinic that can easily be maintained in this screen. A) Clinic Default Working Days; B) Clinic Default Hours of Operation; C) Clinic Closed Days.


These settings are vital for appointment scheduling. Every clinic within the local agency or a state agency can be easily modified by choosing any clinic at the top right corner and the data can be saved one clinic at a time.


To set Clinic Default Settings, which include typical days of the week and start and end times:


Step 1: Select WIC Clinic

       Select the Scheduling menu

       Select Clinic Default Settings

       Select the appropriate Clinic

       Click Go




Step 2: Setting Default Clinic Hours and Days


       Set the Clinic default hours by clicking Add



       Enter the earliest and latest time your Clinic will open and close for the weekly day(s) of operation that you select. Enter the absolute earliest and latest time your clinic could potentially be open. This will allow an easier time of adding services later that are outside the typical clinic hours.



       Click OK


Step 3: Entering clinic closed days and/or holidays


       In the Closed Days section, Click the Add button.

       Enter the date for the Closed day

       Indicate if the Closed day is a holiday by checking the Holiday check box

       Choose the Closed reason

       Click OK to close the Holiday box. Remember to Save!



Hint! You do not need to enter normal closed days such as Sunday. That is done in the days of the week (Step 2 above).





Step 4: Save the Clinic Default Setting


       On the Clinic Default Settings Page, Click the Save button to set the clinic default hours and closed days.



Hint! You can set up different Clinic Default Settings for each day of Operation if needed. For example, if a clinic closes at noon every Friday, then a separate Clinic Default Setting will need to be added for Fridays, while the rest of the weekdays remain the same.