Help > Module 4: Vendor Management > Vendor Management Features > Price Survey – Section will be revised once bug 67973 is completed
Price Survey – Section will be revised once bug 67973 is completed


The Price Survey page shows Submitted Price Surveys in the grid to Transfer or Reject the price survey.


1.  Select Price Survey from the Vendor Web Admin.  The Price Survey page displays. 



Search Price Survey


1.  Enter selection criteria.


2.  Click Search, to perform a search according to the entered search criteria.


3.  To begin a new search, click the New Search button.




View Price Survey


1.  Click Edit icon on Market Basket Description to view the Price Survey. The Price Survey Review page displays.


2.  To transfer Price Survey, click the Transfer button.


3.  To Reject Price Survey, click the Reject button.


4.  To return to the Price Survey page, click Back to List.